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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Union Contributions

Unions Contributions

Senators consider limiting union gifts
From the Plain dealer;

Columbus — Racing to complete the legislative session, Republicans in the Ohio Senate offered changes to a campaign finance reform bill that would limit the contributions labor unions could make to political candidates.

Under the provision offered into House Bill 694, unions would be able to give only $2,000 to any political candidate for statewide or legislative office — down from $20,000 per election cycle they can now give.

The changes to the bill also include a similar provision establishing a $2,000 limit for individuals and companies seeking to do business with the state. As of midnight, the Ohio Senate was still meeting and had yet to officially vote on the language offered by State Sen. Jeff Jacobson, a Dayton-area Republican who serves as the second-highest-ranking Republican in the Senate.

Tim Burga, director of government relations for the Ohio AFL-CIO, called the effort “déjà vu all over again,” referring to similar efforts launched by Republicans that are still tied up in the courts. He said Republicans were “once again trying to silence the voice of common, everyday working people.”

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans had managed to pass, by a 31-1 vote, a $1.8 billion capital budget bill laden with dozens of community projects and almost $700 million in school facilities money.

Also under consideration was legislation enacting the new voter-approved state minimum wage.

----- This is a HELL of a good idea! I am very PRO-Union and have always been considered a "Friend of Labor". The unions have gotten away from standing up for the common working man.

The unions will go protest at three steel workers homes, who HAD to cross the picket line to support their families, but not support the workers being forced out of work at Topp's.

Here is where we can insert the questions - Who do the unions care for more, dues paying members or politicians? Who do the union care for more, due paying members putting on Anti-War Rallys and paying for Cindy Sheehan to come to Cleveland?

As a young kid, I remember loading buses for the steel workers to go to Washington, DC during the Cleveland Bar Mill issue. When the unions "Fought for the dues paying members"!

Tom Burga needs to concentrate on the unions supporting the members and stop crying that they won't be allowed to give away dues money to candidates, while they allow workers to be kicked around.

I find it very ironic and sad that, here in the Cleveland area the unions have backed non "labor friendly" candidates. Will endorse an incumbent who does not support labor. And has backed candidates who did not even use union printers for their campaigns. So much for standing strong for union members!

The labor movement and labor was a very important period in our country. The unions are a very important institution and integral part of the strength of our country. They need to stand proud and get back to their roots and stop trying to be a political arm of the Democrat Party.



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