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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tri-County Holiday Party

Tri-County Holiday Party

The Tri-County Holiday Party for Cuyahoga, Geauga & Lake County Republican Parties, was a smashing success!!! The volunteers and organizers for this event must of had some help from Santa Claus! They did a great job overcoming unexpected obstacles. Unfortunately, due to an illness in the family, Senator Hagel had to cancel at the last minute. Well, what a Christmas present we got - State Auditor elect Mary Taylor!

State Auditor elect Mary Taylor is going to be a rising and shining star in our party for many years to come. After listening to her speak, shows she truly understands how to make our party strong once again. Then of course we can't forgot our "Rock Star" in the Cuyahoga County GOP, State Representitive elect Josh Mandel. These two individuals will become the new face needed for our party and will proudly lead us successfully into the future.

After short speeches by CCRP Chairman Rob Frost, LCRP Chairmen Dale Fellows and GCRP Chairmen Lou Mucci, the festivities began. As always the food at
Villa Di Borally was excellent. Along with the usual appetizers, there was roast turkey and/or roast pork with a pork gravy on the side for the main dinner. With salad, pasta, garlic bread and a WHOLE bunch of other great food.

The holiday spirit was all through the room, with music playing, people laughing, drinking and dancing. Since I do not want to offend anybody by forgetting them, I can't even begin to name all the smiling faces. We can be sure there were old friendships renewed and new ones created. In all corners of the room people were having a great time.

This is what the holiday spirit is all about!Again, this was all possible because of the tireless efforts of a few on the behalf of many. To the volunteers and organizers of the Tri-County Holiday Party - Thank You!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Happy New Year


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