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Sunday, December 17, 2006

527's & FEC Rulings

Having worked with the Swift Boat Veterans and POW's for truth during the '04 elections, this is very upsetting to me. I was introduced to these groups by Paul Schiffer of The Schiffer Report and my friend, Ron Lisy. For the record, it was Paul Schiffer, who was instrumental in getting these groups thier initial exposure.

We worked together putting on several showings of the famously censored movie "Stolon Honor" here in the Cuyahoga County area. Never once at these showings did any of these veterans tell anybody to "Vote for George Bush". These groups simply existed to make sure the American public was aware of the truth about John Kerry's traitorous actions against our soldiers and country during the Vietnam War. Evidence of this is the disgusting and fabricated lies of the "Winter Soldier Meeting" hosted by John Kerry in 1971.

Once again, these Swift Boat Veterans, Steve Gardner (PCF-44 Gunner / Sampan Incident), Dick Pease (PCF-3 Driver/ Rassmenn Incident - Bronze Star & Purple Heart No. 3), Mike Salburg (PCF-99 & PCF-57) and Ken Cordier (POW 12/2/66 - 3/4/73) from POW's for Truth, served thier country proudly! Thanks for coming to Cleveland!

FEC fines Swift Boat, MoveOn groups
Dec. 14, 2006 at 1:00PM

The Swift Boat Veterans and the Voter Fund have settled with the Federal Election Commission for political activities during the 2004 U.S. elections. In its ruling that the two organizations failed to register as political committees -- which have stricter fundraising rules -- the FEC fined the Swift Boat group $299,500 and Voter Fund $150,000. The commission, in a release Wednesday, said the organizations violated election finance rules because they advocated the defeat of Democratic challenger John Kerry and Republican incumbent U.S. President George Bush, respectively. The organizations had 527 tax status, which limits contributions directed to political parties but allows unlimited contributions to groups that advocated issues. Campaign finance watchdog organizations said the FEC's actions were not enough. "Effective enforcement of the campaign finance laws cannot be established through a case-by-case approach that resolves massive violations of campaign finance laws more than two years after a presidential election," officials of Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center said in a statement. The commission also fined two groups affiliated with the League of Conservation Voters for failing to register as political committees. Those fines totaled $180,000.


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