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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dick Cheney – I Could Not Agree More

Copied from the Rush Limbaugh web site:

“RUSH: And then they have this exchange about Hillary.

[Wolf] BLITZER: Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good president?

[Dick] CHENEY: No, I don't.


CHENEY: Because she's a Democrat. I don't agree with her philosophically and from a policy standpoint.

BLITZER: Do you think she will be president, though?

CHENEY: I don't.”

And that is certainly my own opinion.

Hillary Clinton is a “Democrat” with a socialist philosophy. The Government is the be-all-and-end-all-of-all and she wants to be the boss of all that. She is patently unqualified.

She voted for the war before she voted against it. She is the master of hindsight and she is very good at cattle futures and hiding law firm records. She is an avid reader of Republican FBI files and she enjoys destroying the lives of many of the women raped by her husband. Jealousy is apparently her strong suit.

I have to say that if anyone knows Hillary’s philosophical bent it would be Dick Cheney. Hillary has not been slacking in her deranged diatribes against the Bush Administration. I have personally had to sit through 6 years of watching media watch Hillary in the Senate audience during the past State of the Union Addresses. If I had a dollar for every scowl and frown emitted from her insufferably envious countenance I would have at least enough to purchase a “Starbuck’s” latte. If I had a dollar for every time Hillary should have supported the United States but did not, then I could personally purchase Monticello.

Hillary never intended to help the State of New York. Her sole and pointed odyssey was aimed at the White House. I am glad she declared early and I am glad she is considered the front-runner. I remember Howard Dean.

It is true that Hillary will never be button-holed as was the Vice President by Wolf Blitzer. Blitzer tried to give Vice President a back-door black eye by mentioning his pregnant, lesbian daughter; then followed up his attempt to make Cheney out the schmuck by asking the Hillary question. Cheney was blunt. Blitzer was “out of line” with the comments concerning the Cheney family. Clinton would not make a good President. Enough said….tactfully and quietly.

The left is making a play to paint the Blitzer-Cheney exchange as some type of dog-fight. The Vice President handled the exchange with a great deal of patience and tact; unlike the in-your-face, finger-waving exchange another Clinton had with Chris Wallace of Fox News a few months ago. (Contrast: Class versus ass.)

For anyone following Madam Clinton it has become apparent that taxes will sky-rocket and social programs will reach a state of maximum redundancy under Clinton tutelage. Hillary believes the government teat is the surest way to retain power. Promise the electorate the world and give it to them a few pennies at a time over a long period of time to make it look as if there is progress where there is none. And raise taxes…often and high!

Clinton has nothing that speaks of leadership ability. She heads no committees and she headed no governments. She is the “junior” Senator of New York and even Chuck Schumer knows that the only thing Hillary is good at is raising money. She’s raised millions to pay the fines of her husband and keep a quality group of lawyers working on her personal defense fund requirements. She’s raised a boodle of cash for Billy’s library too.

When Hillary finally plants her foot on the war, taxes, health care, socialism and her husband she will as unreliable a candidate as was John Kerry. Kerry was known as a flip-flopper and Hillary has shown recent signs of that Kerry-istic trait. The point is Clinton has no qualified plan nor has she suggested any valuable piece of legislation since her first senatorial election. She is simply a token senatorial mouthpiece that is being used as some sort of bludgeon against Republican Party efforts to correct eight years of Clinton Presidential ineptitude! There has been no reasonable debate. There has been a lot of screeching (ala Howard Dean), but there’s been no real substance in Hillary’s sound bites.

Do I think Hillary will be President?

No; “because she’s a Democrat!”


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