Affordable Dental Care from Campaign websites

Friday, January 26, 2007

2008 Presidential Campaign

In a world of uncertainty one thing is for certain, November 2008 we will elect a new president. While President Bush has not been perfect and nor will his successor will be, democrat or republican. But that is exactly what the voters and media will be looking for. Is it possible for the voter to recognize the right candidate for his ability of leadership rather than how he/she looks on TV? Do we care about the moral fiber of the President, or will we sell our souls for a few pennies more in our wallet. Yes Iraq has gone wrong, But can we afford to lose a war in such a fragile area of the world? And can we think out side of the box to what might happen if America picked up there weapons and just came home? I don’t think building a democracy is as important as cleaning out the terrorist in that region. They don’t want the Bible and most of us don’t want the Koran, but a US Congressman has been sworn in on that book. How did that happen? The people voted for him. While we are in Iraq trying to build a democracy we need to watch our own before it slips away. We all need to think about the person we are supporting.


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