21 Reasons Why Homosexuality is Immoral
Written by Mark Jordan, UPCI Ohio District Superintendent
Monday, 21 May 2007
According to scripture, there is a natural and an unnatural type of sexual behavior. Unnatural means “against nature” or to violate natural law. The book of Romans emphatically and categorically condemns homosexuality. Anyone who denies this fact on the grounds that the Apostle Paul was biased against homosexuality rejects the Bible as a whole. If we can censor any part of the Bible, we must allow censorship in every other part as well. The consequences of such a position would be tantamount to a repudiation of the entire body of scripture.
God’s first human creation involved a male and a female. The woman was created for the man. God’s construct holds enormous implications for humankind in terms of procreation, proper relationships, social order civilization itself. Any opposition to his creation constitutes a challenge to God’s omniscience.
Homosexual behavior does not lead to reproduction. Left alone as a group, homosexuals will become extinct. Even if one rejects the existence of God and the Genesis account of creation, nature itself forces this conclusion. Animals which ought not to procreate, mules for example, are born sterile. Mutants or genetic aberrations in the species often cannot reproduce. The point here is that probable or possible reproduction forms the basis of the sexual relationship. Since two members of the same sex cannot reproduce, it follows that they should not become sexually involved.
Without reproduction, homosexuals must prey upon others to perpetuate themselves. While some may debate this contention on a case-by-case basis, viewed as a group-wide phenomenon, no other option exists.
Two males or two females are not anatomically constructed to naturally accommodate each other sexually. Forced accommodation automatically makes the case that homosexuality perverts the natural creation and natural use of the body.
Society marginalizes homosexuality. The most basic study of the whole of culture reveals that it rests upon the nuclear family. Elaborate rites, ceremonies and societal concepts hinge upon man, woman and child. Examples are birth, dedication, romance, engagement, marriage, motherhood, father as protector of the family, role models, etc. There is no natural place for the homosexual.
The announcement that one is homosexual does not result in great joy. At best, family members may lukewarmly attempt to affirm them or adopt a sense of acceptance. Any celebration is artificial or contrived for the purposes of political correctness, or to make the best of a bad situation. They do not experience genuine joy.
The greatest happiness for any married couple is to present a new baby to the world. This is not sentimental garbage. It is emotionally, psychologically, socially and spiritually fulfilling and rewarding. It has legal, economic and traditional meaning. The homosexual lifestyle precludes such an event.
Any appeal to historical homosexual alliances such as the Greek culture is inoperative as a justification for homosexual behavior because it is fundamentally biased in its inception. The Greeks also practiced pedophilia, slavery and bigamy and embraced other beliefs that we would regard as immoral.
Using the animal kingdom as a defense is unacceptable because animals also behave in ways that humans regard as base or brutal. These include feeding on their young, abandonment and multiple sexual partners.
The word “homosexuality” has been afforded an unwarranted legitimacy in our language and, hence, in our society. It is a euphemism fashioned for the purpose of ridding the stigma associated with perverted sexual behavior. Formerly, it was referred to as sodomy or sexual perversion.
Homosexual practice is a sin like any other sin. Fornication, adultery, theft, lying and many other sins have never received an acceptable status. Neither should homosexuality. It involves lust, wrong choices, disobedience to scriptural commands, and frequently it leads to an attempt to cover it up or to justify it.
We are created as sexual, not homosexual. To define a person as a homosexual is equal to naming one who commits adultery as an adulterer, one who steals as a thief, and so on. We can do it, but no one appreciates being called an adulterer or a thief because it is pejorative in nature.
If fornication and adultery is a sin against the body, homosexuality is a sin against the body, mind and soul. This is because it perverts natural sexual behavior into something unnatural. The same thing happens in other kinds of sins. Murder that goes beyond basic taking of a life and leads to mutilation or cannibalism is perverted. Fornication that goes beyond the basic sex act to sadism, masochism or even into pedophilia, bestiality or necrophilia is perverted.
The reason homosexuality seems to be an inescapable lifestyle is not because one is born homosexual, but because many types of sins are addicting or enslaving. Chemical and substance abuse illustrate this, but psychological addictions are present in many kinds of sinful activities. The same offender often repeats sex crimes such as rape and child molestation. Does this mean that this person was born a rapist or molester? Is an adulterer or thief born to be this way? No. The reason homosexuals commit their particular sin is that it a) gives them carnal pleasure, b) they were most likely introduced to this kind of sin at an impressionable age, c) they harbor a rebellion or hatred against an authority figure, or d) they lacked some fundamental building blocks of character development as they were growing up.
Let’s examine some common ways homosexuals justify their behavior:
a. “Do you think I chose to be this way?” Self-motivated, no. Self-determined, yes. There is a personal choice in everything we do, whether is be right or wrong. Sexual orientation can be an extremely complex issue and many things must be considered such a parental relationships, hormonal distribution, experiences, etc. In the final analysis, however, if a person is born with male genitalia, he is a male, period.
b. “There is nothing wrong with me.” Yes, there is. A male who acts like a female, or treats other males like females is not right. His behavior is the matter in question, not his male anatomy. Besides, anyone who makes this statement is begging the question. He is undergoing serious turmoil regarding his own desires and behavior or he would not adopt his defensive mode.
c. “I’m just as moral as you are.” Wrong. Homosexuality is inherently immoral. If this person means that he obeys the law, pays his taxes and is a good neighbor, that’s one thing. On the other hand, if he means that morality in civil matters transfers to his perverted sexual practices, it is a non-sequitur. Jeffrey Dahmer was good to his parents, too.
d. “You are wrong for judging me.” All of us can categorize behavior. While judgment of motive or underlying reasons may not be condoned, actual behavior not only can, but must be judged. In fact, discrimination between kinds of behavior is necessary for society to work.
e. “I love my partner as much as a man and woman love each other.” Perverted or improper feelings of love are entirely possible, including love for animals, inanimate objects, and another person’s spouse. Such subjective expressions of love are based on feelings, sensations and perceptions. Feelings need not be rooted in truth to be convincing. Many outrageous and criminal acts have been perpetrated by those who felt right and justified in what they did.
Freedom from the sin of homosexuality is the same as it is from any other addicting kind of sin: Repentance, abhorrence of the sin, removal of the evidences of the lifestyle, removal of oneself from the environment where the sin is practiced, cleansing oneself with the Word of god, staying filled with the Spirit of God, frequent periods of intense prayer and fasting, and becoming accountable to a spiritual authority figure. Therapy may also be required to reach a level of understanding about the motivations and circumstances that led to the sin.
Homosexuality is fueled dishonesty concerning the application of God’s laws. Freedom from perverse sins takes brutal honesty. Once a repented homosexual permits deceitfulness to reclaim his mindset, he will fail.
Homosexuality cannot be congenital because to find only one person who is delivered from it would negate the argument. We define deliverance as, a) the lack of inclination to engage in homosexual behavior, and/or b) the refusal to act out homosexual urges because of a higher submission to the will of God. There have been many instances of such deliverances.
As an historical fact, homosexuality was dropped as a disorder from the DSM-III by fiat, induced by pressure from gay rights groups. Unlike other additions or eliminations from this listing, no conclusive proof that warranted this new position has ever been advanced. Therefore, this so-called scientific evaluation was determined by politics rather than research data.
The primary personal definition, identity, motivational force and raison d’etre of a homosexual are embodied in his homosexuality. All other considerations are secondary. While the natural male/female relationship is tempered by corresponding personalities, general life goals and sexual drives, a male/male relationship is dominated by lust and sexual thoughts.
These thoughts and observations are offered as a way to move beyond a visceral reaction against homosexuality that many men possess. We must also ground ourselves in scripture, sound teaching and reasoned arguments. This may not be necessary for our own personal belief system, but if we hope to confront the propagandized minds of the new generation, it is necessary. Much more can be said, of course, but hopefully this represents a start in the right direction.
Monday, 21 May 2007
According to scripture, there is a natural and an unnatural type of sexual behavior. Unnatural means “against nature” or to violate natural law. The book of Romans emphatically and categorically condemns homosexuality. Anyone who denies this fact on the grounds that the Apostle Paul was biased against homosexuality rejects the Bible as a whole. If we can censor any part of the Bible, we must allow censorship in every other part as well. The consequences of such a position would be tantamount to a repudiation of the entire body of scripture.
God’s first human creation involved a male and a female. The woman was created for the man. God’s construct holds enormous implications for humankind in terms of procreation, proper relationships, social order civilization itself. Any opposition to his creation constitutes a challenge to God’s omniscience.
Homosexual behavior does not lead to reproduction. Left alone as a group, homosexuals will become extinct. Even if one rejects the existence of God and the Genesis account of creation, nature itself forces this conclusion. Animals which ought not to procreate, mules for example, are born sterile. Mutants or genetic aberrations in the species often cannot reproduce. The point here is that probable or possible reproduction forms the basis of the sexual relationship. Since two members of the same sex cannot reproduce, it follows that they should not become sexually involved.
Without reproduction, homosexuals must prey upon others to perpetuate themselves. While some may debate this contention on a case-by-case basis, viewed as a group-wide phenomenon, no other option exists.
Two males or two females are not anatomically constructed to naturally accommodate each other sexually. Forced accommodation automatically makes the case that homosexuality perverts the natural creation and natural use of the body.
Society marginalizes homosexuality. The most basic study of the whole of culture reveals that it rests upon the nuclear family. Elaborate rites, ceremonies and societal concepts hinge upon man, woman and child. Examples are birth, dedication, romance, engagement, marriage, motherhood, father as protector of the family, role models, etc. There is no natural place for the homosexual.
The announcement that one is homosexual does not result in great joy. At best, family members may lukewarmly attempt to affirm them or adopt a sense of acceptance. Any celebration is artificial or contrived for the purposes of political correctness, or to make the best of a bad situation. They do not experience genuine joy.
The greatest happiness for any married couple is to present a new baby to the world. This is not sentimental garbage. It is emotionally, psychologically, socially and spiritually fulfilling and rewarding. It has legal, economic and traditional meaning. The homosexual lifestyle precludes such an event.
Any appeal to historical homosexual alliances such as the Greek culture is inoperative as a justification for homosexual behavior because it is fundamentally biased in its inception. The Greeks also practiced pedophilia, slavery and bigamy and embraced other beliefs that we would regard as immoral.
Using the animal kingdom as a defense is unacceptable because animals also behave in ways that humans regard as base or brutal. These include feeding on their young, abandonment and multiple sexual partners.
The word “homosexuality” has been afforded an unwarranted legitimacy in our language and, hence, in our society. It is a euphemism fashioned for the purpose of ridding the stigma associated with perverted sexual behavior. Formerly, it was referred to as sodomy or sexual perversion.
Homosexual practice is a sin like any other sin. Fornication, adultery, theft, lying and many other sins have never received an acceptable status. Neither should homosexuality. It involves lust, wrong choices, disobedience to scriptural commands, and frequently it leads to an attempt to cover it up or to justify it.
We are created as sexual, not homosexual. To define a person as a homosexual is equal to naming one who commits adultery as an adulterer, one who steals as a thief, and so on. We can do it, but no one appreciates being called an adulterer or a thief because it is pejorative in nature.
If fornication and adultery is a sin against the body, homosexuality is a sin against the body, mind and soul. This is because it perverts natural sexual behavior into something unnatural. The same thing happens in other kinds of sins. Murder that goes beyond basic taking of a life and leads to mutilation or cannibalism is perverted. Fornication that goes beyond the basic sex act to sadism, masochism or even into pedophilia, bestiality or necrophilia is perverted.
The reason homosexuality seems to be an inescapable lifestyle is not because one is born homosexual, but because many types of sins are addicting or enslaving. Chemical and substance abuse illustrate this, but psychological addictions are present in many kinds of sinful activities. The same offender often repeats sex crimes such as rape and child molestation. Does this mean that this person was born a rapist or molester? Is an adulterer or thief born to be this way? No. The reason homosexuals commit their particular sin is that it a) gives them carnal pleasure, b) they were most likely introduced to this kind of sin at an impressionable age, c) they harbor a rebellion or hatred against an authority figure, or d) they lacked some fundamental building blocks of character development as they were growing up.
Let’s examine some common ways homosexuals justify their behavior:
a. “Do you think I chose to be this way?” Self-motivated, no. Self-determined, yes. There is a personal choice in everything we do, whether is be right or wrong. Sexual orientation can be an extremely complex issue and many things must be considered such a parental relationships, hormonal distribution, experiences, etc. In the final analysis, however, if a person is born with male genitalia, he is a male, period.
b. “There is nothing wrong with me.” Yes, there is. A male who acts like a female, or treats other males like females is not right. His behavior is the matter in question, not his male anatomy. Besides, anyone who makes this statement is begging the question. He is undergoing serious turmoil regarding his own desires and behavior or he would not adopt his defensive mode.
c. “I’m just as moral as you are.” Wrong. Homosexuality is inherently immoral. If this person means that he obeys the law, pays his taxes and is a good neighbor, that’s one thing. On the other hand, if he means that morality in civil matters transfers to his perverted sexual practices, it is a non-sequitur. Jeffrey Dahmer was good to his parents, too.
d. “You are wrong for judging me.” All of us can categorize behavior. While judgment of motive or underlying reasons may not be condoned, actual behavior not only can, but must be judged. In fact, discrimination between kinds of behavior is necessary for society to work.
e. “I love my partner as much as a man and woman love each other.” Perverted or improper feelings of love are entirely possible, including love for animals, inanimate objects, and another person’s spouse. Such subjective expressions of love are based on feelings, sensations and perceptions. Feelings need not be rooted in truth to be convincing. Many outrageous and criminal acts have been perpetrated by those who felt right and justified in what they did.
Freedom from the sin of homosexuality is the same as it is from any other addicting kind of sin: Repentance, abhorrence of the sin, removal of the evidences of the lifestyle, removal of oneself from the environment where the sin is practiced, cleansing oneself with the Word of god, staying filled with the Spirit of God, frequent periods of intense prayer and fasting, and becoming accountable to a spiritual authority figure. Therapy may also be required to reach a level of understanding about the motivations and circumstances that led to the sin.
Homosexuality is fueled dishonesty concerning the application of God’s laws. Freedom from perverse sins takes brutal honesty. Once a repented homosexual permits deceitfulness to reclaim his mindset, he will fail.
Homosexuality cannot be congenital because to find only one person who is delivered from it would negate the argument. We define deliverance as, a) the lack of inclination to engage in homosexual behavior, and/or b) the refusal to act out homosexual urges because of a higher submission to the will of God. There have been many instances of such deliverances.
As an historical fact, homosexuality was dropped as a disorder from the DSM-III by fiat, induced by pressure from gay rights groups. Unlike other additions or eliminations from this listing, no conclusive proof that warranted this new position has ever been advanced. Therefore, this so-called scientific evaluation was determined by politics rather than research data.
The primary personal definition, identity, motivational force and raison d’etre of a homosexual are embodied in his homosexuality. All other considerations are secondary. While the natural male/female relationship is tempered by corresponding personalities, general life goals and sexual drives, a male/male relationship is dominated by lust and sexual thoughts.
These thoughts and observations are offered as a way to move beyond a visceral reaction against homosexuality that many men possess. We must also ground ourselves in scripture, sound teaching and reasoned arguments. This may not be necessary for our own personal belief system, but if we hope to confront the propagandized minds of the new generation, it is necessary. Much more can be said, of course, but hopefully this represents a start in the right direction.
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