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Monday, March 12, 2007

Folger urges conservatives not to settle for GOP frontrunners

Jim Brown
March 12, 2007

Conservative author and talk show host Janet Folger of the group Faith 2 Action believes GOP presidential frontrunners -- Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney -- are Republicans in name only. Meanwhile, she says GOP presidential candidates who actually agree with the party's platform are not even being considered by the mainstream press and many conservative leaders.

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Folger calls Rudy Giuliani "completely unacceptable," describing the former New York City Mayor as pro-abortion and "anti-marriage." And as for Arizona Senator John McCain, she says he is "disqualified" because of his opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment and his campaign finance reform, which she contends "blacked out free speech."

McCain should also be disqualified for, among other things, "leading the 'gang of 14' who stood in the way of breaking the judicial filibuster," the Faith 2 Action spokeswoman says. He is also "a guy that voted against the federal marriage amendment [and] who, in his campaign finance reform, literally blacked out free speech, ripped it up," she notes.

Essentially, 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election, Folger explains, Senator McCain in effect tells Amerians they can forget about free speech. "In fact," she notes, "John McCain just sued Wisconsin Right to Life, taking them to court because they had the audacity to suggest that people lobby Congress, and it was during one of those federally mandated gag rules."

But Folger says she is especially troubled that many conservative leaders are rushing to support former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. "This is the most concerning," she says, "because there's a lot of people who are running to him because he suddenly and conveniently switched from being an ardent, hardcore pro-abort."

In actuality, the pro-family talk radio host says, Romney is "extreme," as he "not only wants abortion -- he wants you to pay for it with your tax dollars." And that is exactly what the candidate's healthcare plan said, she points out, "even after his supposed conversion."

Romney also "mandated marriage licenses to homosexual couples," Folger adds, "even after his supposed pro-marriage conversion." Instead of looking at name-only Republican presidential hopefuls such as McCain and Romney, she argues, conservatives need to take a closer look at candidates like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback and Mike Huckabee, and others who more closely align with the Republican Party's platform.

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