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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Fighting the liberals and the press

Yesterday on the Ohio Blog Alliance I took on Connie Schultz and her attacks on the conservative right that comes her liberal agenda that has become so bias since her husband Sherrod Brown has become senator, she has abused her position at the Plain Dealer, but since the PD is a liberal rag, they don't care. you can read my posting by clicking the link on the right.

While grass roots efforts seem to be weak in Cuyahoga County Check out what they did Indiana.

Pro-family activists help defeat Indiana hate crimes bill
Allie Martin
March 2, 2007

Public pressure from pro-family activists is being credited with killing HB 1459, a proposed "hate crimes" bill in the Indiana Legislature. Last week, the author of the bill, which would have granted special legal protections to homosexuals, would not allow it to come up for a vote, effectively killing the legislation.

Hear This Report

Micah Clark, executive director of the American Family Association of Indiana, says response from concerned Christians made the difference. "If people hadn't contacted the Indiana Statehouse about this, this bill would have passed easily," he contends.

"This was a classic case of people making their voices heard, and some legislators standing up for what was right," Clark says. "The good guys won on this issue, and a bad bill was averted."

HB 1459 appeared to be on a fast track to approval when the AFA of Indiana official became involved. He says the bill never made it to the floor for a vote. "People spoke up and said this violates the principle of equal justice under the law," Clark notes. "We support the prosecution of crime, but not based on a person's sexual behavior," he says. "We don't create special protections for homosexuals or cross-dressers."

Some legislators received more than 300 e-mails from constituents opposed to the proposed legislation, the pro-family activist points out. He is convinced the grassroots campaign of protest against the proposed hate crimes legislation was responsible for the death of the bill. Nevertheless, Clark says he expects homosexual activists to resurrect the legislation in the future.


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