It doesn't take a village
By Julie Mosher
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As I sit and drink my coffee, going over the local news stories on Yahoo, I come across one of the most outragous stories I have read yet. Assemblywoman Sally Lieber is proposing a ban on spanking your own children . This would make it a misdemeanor for spanking children 3 and under. It could land a parent in jail and a 1,000 dollar fine.
Now here we go with the left trying to force the hand of government into our lives. Big government,tax and spend,and let's make decisions based on "feelings". Does she really think we are so stupid as to spank a 6 month old? Or maybe a newborn? I think that falls under child abuse.
Here is where it will become a slippery slope. Where would we stop? Could our 10 year old have us jailed for grounding them from playing video games? Does she want the government to say what our children can and can't eat? My mother spanked us kids when we were little. It was the seventies! Don't tell me you never got the wooden spoon on your own butt! You know you did!
Children in schools today get away with murder. They tell their teachers off with no respect or any consequences. Many times with the parents coming to their rescue. No moral authority is to great for these kinds of children. Spankings were exceptable in schools as was prayer,two things that have now been taken away.
My point is, nobody should tell anyone how to raise their child. Spare the rod,spoil the child. Beating and spanking are two totally different things,and I think alot of uneccesary lawsuits would take up alot of judges time. Time out in my most humble opinion does not work.As a former pre-school teacher and mother, I know it doesn't work.
Maybe little Sally could direct her unwanted liberal jiberish in a more useful direction like putting pedophiles behind bars forever. Or better yet,make it so they get the death penalty and not just a six month probation. Stop wasting energy on media blitz scams to get your mug in the spotlight. I don't need the government to tell me how to raise my children. Luckily I don't live in Hollyweird or you and I might go toe to toe.
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